Let Your Shekinah Shine!
In Studio and Mobile Services Available!

I am a humble and people-loving female entrepreneur looking to make a real change in the world, starting with the beauty industry. I believe in enhancing one's natural beauty through spa offered services, and I adore great quality products! I am a known product junkie, I am all about high-quality services, and I would love the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on you!

My Mission:
At Shekinah Aesthetics, we work uniquely to provide customized help for those seeking. Through quality hands-on services, and appropriate skincare or product recommendations, we are looking to reach those seeking a true relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as those looking for professional services and education. Our services are steadfast, trustworthy, and reliable in order to extend wisdom, and to be of service to others.
So who am I?
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1. The highest form of love. Selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love; persists no matter the circumstance.
2. Always giving and devotes total commitment to seek the highest and the best.